Coin struck by the RAM but issued jointly by Australia Post as change into circulation from 3500 Post Offices Australia wide. This third series of Aussie Alphabet coins are featuring another 26 classic Aussie icons from letters of the Alphabet from A to Z.
This is the full list of coins in the set.
A for “Aussie, Aussie, Aussie – Oi Oi Oi!” – Famous Aussie Chant.
B for Bushranger – Australian Outlaws.
C for Cockatoo – Aussie Bird well known for their raucous cries.
D for Darrell Lea – Much-loved and iconic Aussie confectionary brand.
E for Echidna – Australian animal & one of only two monotreme species in the world
F for Farmers – Weathering floods, droughts and plagues to bring us food.
G for Great Ocean Road – Iconic Australian scenic coastline drive.
H for Hooroo – Famous Aussie way of saying goodbye.
I for Irukandji Jellyfish – Worlds smallest and most venomous jellyfish.
J for Jumbuck – Aussie slang for a male sheep.
K for Kelpie – Intelligent, athletic and agile Aussie farm dog.
L for Luna Park Melbourne – Australia’s oldest Theme Park.
M for Magpie – Most familiar of Australian birds.
N for Nullabor Plain – Longest straight railway track in the World.
O for Opal – Black Opal very rare Australian precious gemstone.
P for Pinnacles – Other Worldly natural phenomena made from Limestone.
Q for Quoll – Australia’s cutest nocturnal animal.
R for R.M. Williams – Quality Australian attire.
S for Surfing – Huge part of Australian identity.
T for Tasmanian Devil – Fierce but shy nocturnal marsupial.
U for Undara Lava Tubes – Ancient molten volcanic lava.
V for Vanilla Slice – Smooth, thick, vanilla custard sandwiched between flakey puff pastry.
W for Wattle – Iconic Australian tree.
X for cruX – The Southern Cross – On the Aussie Flag.
Y for Yarra Valley – Winemaking region of Victoria
Z for Zebra Finch – Birds featuring black & white Zebra stripe.
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